About Me

Hi, I am Lakshman, i am working in vblue.in as a service partner for in HYDERABAD. We have more than 6 staff in our team who are able to provide fully satisfactory service to our client. Vblue.in give a chance to improve myself.and now i am become expert in my field.

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(R.J. Srivastava)

Very nice young man Lakshman. Fully devoted to his work.... Always look forward to helping customer.

(Jitendra singh)

Extremely Satisfied! Great Job. the technician was highly knowledgable. full attention to detail, effort above and beyond. Suggested by a neighbor...

(Arun kumar)

Krytonite is the best material available in market, Which is expensive from Dr. Fixit. Vblue's Experts only chooses expensive and quality materials. I received less and exact quotes than other vendors. They work on the same project at a time. Lakshman stayed with us all day. And keep your eye on work. Vblue provides the best service in Lucknow.


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